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SG Company combines the excellence of independent Italian communication agencies, thus offering a portfolio of products and services with high added value from the creative, executive and human points of view.
Starting from strategic analysis arriving at grounding with the combination of ad hoc services. The solution ecosystem provided by the group, thanks to its sister companies, allows us to make each action targeted to maximize efficiency and the desired result.
Because we support our clients to implement positive impact communication projects.
Because we put people and the planet at the center.
Because it stems from our imprinting and propagates into our client projects.
That of SG Company Società Benefit S.p.A. is a 20-year history, made up of milestones in small and large steps, and which has seen us at the forefront of addressing momentous changes in our industry, side by side with our clients and with the tireless work of competent employees.
SG Company Società Benefit S.p.A.
Our "today" is made up of concreteness with a distinct focus on the future, and it is a today that can be summed up in a range of significant numbers:
Group employees*
Accomplished projects*
* SG Group data pro forma 2024