CORPORATE GOVERNANCEBoard of directorsBoard of statutory auditorsAuditing firmShareholders' meetingBylaws and Code of EthicsDocuments & ProceduresInternal dealing communications
Group employees*
Accomplished projects*
*SG Group data pro forma 2024
Unique formats, unforgettable experiences: the SG Company signature for living events.
DISCOVERInnovation, technology, entrepreneurial success, and a focus on sustainability are the hallmarks of SG Company, an innovative SME and Benefit Company listed on the Euronext Growth Milan segment of the Italian Stock Exchange since 2018.
DISCOVER MOREEvery project we carry out has one common factor: it leaves a mark
DISCOVER MOREAn entire Art Nouveau building directly overlooking the Bastioni di Porta Venezia is ready to host your events.